Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I went to Ash Wednesday mass for the first time in years this morning. I haven't attended this mass for a few reasons but one being that I don't like all the attention the ashes attract. It's not a holy day of obligation and yet it's one of the most attended masses throughout the liturgical year.

After a conversation I had last night I realized I had actually become a bit judgemental against p...eople that did go to this mass and heard God telling me to dig deep and examine your conscience. I don't begrudge the Christmas and Easter Day church goers, in fact I think it's great that people come to church when they feel the desire, so why was I harboring ill feelings against the Ash Wednesday mass goers?

At any rate, I woke up this morning with the desire to go for the first time in a long time. I had to put my ego aside. Today is a day that we are reminded of our incredible and simple humanity of where we came from and to what we will return. This is the beautiful season of taking up our cross(es) in a more extraordinary way and drawing closer to God.

Whatever you give up or take on this Lenten season and no matter what reason draws you to mass today God is the only one that knows your heart and He uses all things for His glory and His good. So go and be reminded that God wants you to want to be as close to Him as He is to you.

Ringrazio Dio ~ Thanks be to God

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