His blueberry yogurt stained face, with children past, would have made me cringe or even, embarrassingly enough, annoyed me and tragically sent me into a tail spin. That face would have been one more mess for me to clean, one more chore to add to my already chore filled life but this morning I breathed something different. It was a breath of "I know what you are." You are the last. You are the last blueberry stained face that I now desire to wipe. You are the last of the crumb droppers and sleeve smudgers. I found myself smiling instead of cringing and wholeheartedly regretting that there would not be another to come after him.
This bone chilling February morning, 12 years after I first became a mother, I took my time to retrieve the napkin and savored the moment. I let my eyes light up as his eyes always do and instead of seeing the blue inconvenience of a soul I glimpsed the blue love of God and His gift to my soul. Blueberry yogurt smiles will always be welcomed here.
Ringrazio Dio ~ Thanks be to God.
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